Weekends and Trips | Repton School

Weekends and Trips | Repton School




Repton is a seven-day-a-week boarding school and pupil wellbeing is supported by a packed activity programme at weekends and regular off-site trips, from weekend shopping trips and paintballing to theme parks and cinema trips. We believe that participation in whatever arena fosters wellbeing and one of the very best things about life in a school like Repton is the chance to develop friendship that will last a lifetime.


Weekends at Repton feature a full programme of activities. Some of these are compulsory; lessons take place on Saturday morning followed by sports fixtures in the afternoon. On Sundays, boarders attend a Chapel service, usually in the morning. 

The remainder of the weekend is a time to be involved with different activities across the varied facilities and to relax in the dedicated pupil areas such as The Grubber or JCR. You can also visit other Houses or make use of the common areas in your own House to curl up with a takeaway and watch a film. 

There are House Dinners, socials or inter-House competitions and every Sunday there is a voluntary trip to local attractions such as theme parks, the cinema, or shopping centres. 

Weekends also offer the opportunity to catch up with family and friends outside of the school and each pupil is entitled to three privilege weekends away from Repton each term to be used in accordance with the School rules. 


The opportunity to go on field trips and expeditions offers Reptonians cultural learning experiences and to see the connections between their education and real-world applications. This broadens young peoples’ view and is key to encouraging curiosity and improving critical thinking skills. 

Recent and upcoming trips include:

  • Geography and Biology trips to Margam Hall, Wales
  • A Level Geography trip to Costa Rica
  • Physics trip to CERN
  • Design Technology trips to The Design Museum, V&A, Pektron, Triumph Motorcycles
  • Politics trips to Washington, America, and the Houses of Parliament, London
  • Regular Drama trips to a variety of theatres
  • Sports tours 
  • CCF field trips and Duke of Edinburgh expeditions