Performance Drama at Repton sees a thriving, diverse and exciting range of drama performances each year, including popular classics, large-scale West End musicals, and contemporary plays for young people.
Repton Drama produces three main shows each year; two whole school productions and a Lower School production in the Summer Term. Auditions for school productions are open to the whole school, not just those studying academic drama in the classroom. Whatever their skills and aspirations are - be that on stage in an acting role, or behind the scenes as technical crew - all roles are equally important and celebrated. Drama productions are an ideal opportunity for pupils of all abilities to develop their creative, technical and performing craft, as well as building confidence, communication and team-working skills. Recent performances include an adaptation of ‘Frankenstein’, ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘The Snow Dragons’. Repton Drama productions are renowned for their professional standards and play a significant role in the creative and cultural life of the school community.
We have an active Drama Scholarship programme, with regular workshops, trips and other enrichment opportunities, plus an annual Award Holders’ Showcase for B Block pupils at the start of each Michaelmas Term.
Our Director of Drama is an expert in prosthetics and provides pupils with masterclasses as well as develop stunning make up that elevates every production.
Everyone is invited – whether they are on the stage, behind the scenes or in the audience of our wonderful productions. Our hope is that every Reptonian will develop a lifelong appreciation of the theatre.