Repton’s STEM programme has been singled out as the leader in its field having been awarded the Education Business STEM Award 2022.
Every school in the UK is eligible to apply for the award, but with a focus on hands-on learning and real-world applications that enable Reptonians to solve material problems facing our generation, STEM at Repton was considered award worthy.
Repton’s Head of Science, Dr Stuart Ingleston-Orme has been instrumental in collaborating closely with colleagues to craft Repton’s world-class STEM programme. He said: “We know there is great demand in the workplace for people who have skills associated with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, even in jobs that aren’t traditionally associated with STEM. Here at Repton these subjects are accessible to every pupil; our full-boarding culture means that departments are open all day, every day to any pupil who wants to use the facilities. We are enormously proud to have been singled out for this award, which pays testament to the high value we place on preparing pupils for life beyond school.”
Repton’s university-standard Science Priory, complete with its own observatory, sits at the heart of the School’s campus, flanked by the mathematics block, DT labs and Sports Centre meaning STEM permeates every aspect of learning.
Headmaster Mark Semmence commented: “Repton’s comprehensive STEM enrichment programme runs from Prep to Upper Sixth. We know that even pupils who choose not to pursue STEM subjects for A Level need to have a firm grounding in STEM principles to be well prepared for the workplace, so I am enormously grateful to our passionate teachers who continually develop engaging ways of ensuring our curriculum extends beyond what is required to pass an exam.”
Science days for primary-aged pupils at the senior school include practical lab lessons and visits to the observatory. Year 8 participate in the CREST awards, a scheme to inspire young people to think like scientists and engineers. Both Repton campuses run plentiful clubs and societies and regular talks and workshops with speakers such as Professor Robert Winston are well attended. The Engineering Society recently designed and built a functioning hovercraft whilst MedSoc participated in a fracture workshop with a leading orthopaedic surgeon. Prep pupils engage in GreenPower F24 - designing and engineering their own electric cars and racing them at Goodwood and Aintree. F24+ at GCSE level will introduce electronics and gearing.
Pupils benefit from a flexible and creative approach to learning. For example, Repton’s Maths Orbital programme sees top-set mathematicians practice beyond the scope of the curriculum to develop a deeper understanding of real-world mathematical problems. Pupils are awarded points for academic rigor but importantly for mentoring other pupils and community-based initiatives such as hosting booster sessions for younger pupils.
Repton’s STEM team regularly host partner state schools from the village and across Derbyshire. Our annual cultural exchange with Toyota Nishi High School Japan promotes scientific collaboration and we work with Repton pupils in the UAE, China, Malaysia and Cairo on exciting international projects.
STEM at Repton promotes limitless possibilities.