Latin is alive and well across the Repton Family of Schools with our UK teachers opening up the glories of the Roman world to students in Abu Dhabi, Al Barsha and Cairo.
While these areas boast many of the world’s most important classical sites, the study of Latin is not a traditional part of the curriculum as it is in Britain. But now RFS students - from Years 7 to 10 and all talented linguists - are being introduced to the language in live online sessions led by the experienced and highly qualified subject specialists from Repton’s Classics department. Those at Repton Abu Dhabi have really got the bit between their teeth, and, already in their second year of online Latin, are intending to sit the GCSE qualification in due course.
Clifford Dammers, Head of Classics and Master of the Scholars at Repton UK, explains: “Learning Latin is a brilliant way to stretch the brightest minds; it gives pupils a command of the structure of their own languages, and encourages logical, rigorous thinking. Students thrive on this challenge and soon gain a real sense of achievement and fulfilment. Latin literature – some of the best writing the world has ever seen – gives pupils the opportunity to explore the very essence of the human condition.”
Such is the success of this initiative that there are already plans afoot to extend it other RFS schools and to explore reciprocal arrangements for the teaching of Arabic to pupils here in Repton.
The final words to Chandini Misra, Principal of Repton Al Barsha and a keen Latinist herself: ‘The Latin program not only instills a profound appreciation for classical languages but also connects our students to a rich historical and cultural heritage.’ How fitting for a school with the Latin motto “Melius cotidie” - Better every day.