With 70% of pupils choosing to board, Repton’s boarding houses are the true hub of the school and are expertly commandeered by a dedicated and experienced team of staff.
From Prep to Sixth Form, Repton’s boarders, houseparents and their families live together, creating a unique sense of belonging and security. Houseparents are supported by a finely tuned team of individuals including chefs, Matrons, cleaners and Resident Tutors, who deliver outstanding pastoral care (and whip up a delicious hot chocolate!).
Repton Prep’s idyllic setting the heart of Derbyshire UK offers the perfect introduction to boarding from the age of seven. Flexi and weekly boarding options allow pupils to access all the activities and facilities available to full boarders and provide a great stepping stone for Day pupils to transition to full boarding either at Repton Prep or senior school.
Martin Hunt, a Housemaster at Repton told us: “My favourite thing about working in a boarding house is that, more than with any other job in education, you spend so much time with the pupils. From the moment they arrive at the start of Year 9, through to their final days in Upper Sixth, you see all the amazing things they do, learning from their mistakes, and the amazing journey they go on. Just being part of that, living with them through that process is a real privilege.”
To celebrate The Institute of Boarding’s World Boarding Staff Day, we recognise the contributions of our excellent boarding staff at Repton and Repton Prep.